Thursday, August 17, 2006

affine aversion

Q: Is it intellectually dishonest, even cowardly, not to investigate all aspects of the human condition? (posed here: bunfight-over-warrior-gene)

It's natural to feel affinity for those "like" us. And, so, degrees of aversion for those "unlike". Others in our family are like us; our friends are like us; those of our race are like us; our countrymen are like us; people who enjoy the same books, movies and music are like us.

Everyone else is different.

Every individual is an active member of multiple, ever-expanding, overlapping teams organized by common traits, goals and interests. There will always be opposite traits, incompatible goals, rival interests. There are rival families, rival schools and towns, rival races and rival fan clubs.

Everyone harbors prejudice. That's not ignorance; it's genetic, it's physical. It's even crucial at times. If your team doesn't win, it loses. Right?

But every prejudice should be open to regular reevaluation. Without the latest accurate information, each subsequent evaluation is unlikely to produce progressive results.

It is the failure to recognize our multiple memberships; the unwillingness to accept the recognition; the inability to accurately, objectively reevaluate our prejudices that is a function of ignorance and/or ignoble self-interest.

Neither will be overcome through institutionally mandated restrictions on acceptable knowledge.

Any objective reader will likely give caveats appropriate weight. Anyone swayed by AFP headlines is likely to have been leaning already.

It IS intellectually dishonest, even cowardly, not to investigate all aspects of the human condition.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday, March 26, 2006

roadkill has its seasons
just like any other thing
there's possums in the autumn
and there's farm cats in the spring

Tom Waits from "Murder in the Red Barn" off "Bone Machine"

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

beer and big sandals

i was afraid this would be lame, but since you won't let me pin you down, i'll open it up and say, hey, i know, let's hang out next...

how 'bout any day next week or sometime through april to may of 2016 when i turn 46 'cause if i haven't met an amazing girl by then i'll quit and become a buddhist monk because that stuff kinda makes sense to me now and meditation could help me deal with the failure and i'm already bald and barefoot and just lazy enough to wear a robe all day. plus, maybe i'll learn to make my own beer. but that's the trappists, right? where do they come from? never heard of "trappism". sounds way shady. bet girls talk to them. chicks dig shady dudes with beer and big sandals.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

ode to sausage fingers...

twin hunky hams adorned by ten knuckled wieners!

on first sight, "w-what the heck!?"
it ain't right, three keys a peck!

stare, back away...

gag a little then...

dire-digited wretch, all lesser none greater,
like eight chicken necks with opposable taters!!!

hooo, i'm done

Surgeon General's Warning: "A 2004 analysis published in the journal Neuroepidemiology determined that consumption of sausage during pregnancy is correlated with an increased risk of childhood brain tumors" - sausage

the fucking moon

perish the pinks

and praise bob!


touch me... again!!!

Monday, February 20, 2006

does anybody really know what time it is? does anybody really care?

at the pub just before christmas, i got into a conversation with a guy in town from chicago selling christmas trees to southerners. it was tuesday night and he was looking for a party or just somewhere open late (he was used to 4am last calls in chicago) because he'd be wide awake for the next 30 hours. he explained that he had a sleep disorder (caused, he said, by hard-core cocaine abuse) similar to narcolepsy and was on this new drug modafinil...

"Get ready for 24-hour living" New Scientist '06 (not freely readable yet)

"The Great Awakening" New York Post '02

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

maybe schmaybe

Keys, glasses inna teef, laptop bag oh... ver my shoulder, phone to pocket, iPod stowed, coffee perched, door phuump mostly masks the sneaky crinkle of brown pastry paper as the remaining third of my no-sugar banana nut cake bounces once, skitters left on-edge and squirrels under the fucking car.

It took longer than ten seconds to fully grasp what I'd seen; ten seconds more for my eyes to adjust to conditions beneath the Civic... there!

In the low buzzy light of the garage the semi-shiny welcome mat-sized stain didn't quite look like oil... maybe cola, maybe...

Maybe I should accept the loss and move on.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I was at a casino, I was minding my own business and this guy came up, he said 'You're gonna have to move, you're blocking the fire exit.' As though, if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run.

If you're flamable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.Hedberg

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

dead pa mothahhfuckahhh

Agape, I gaze through keyboards and cables, past the unspun legs of a precision nob’n’switch flippin’ master monkey with a mic to the skin-slappin’ gorilla blowing my mind:

DEAD PA are primates of superior descent;
If God so said “Let there be light,” this is what He meant.

O’Mojo most mad;
Star-forged DnB Preachers, these asses are bad.

The mixture swims thicker near intakes;
Bandwidth bunged and promptly plunged with arc-brilliant black and eager breaks.

The sleeper be awake; crack, spin feeed;
Synch, super-pose, collapse and breathe;
This is it, critical digital mass, believe.

A superfluid-slick, crystallizing, proselytizing archetypal kick-in-the-teeth;
Bitch got the beef.

Lo’ the rhythms right yo’ wrongs, Truth striding forth shall stomp your fettered soul free o’flesh and out brothahhh! way out!